Parental Alienation News


The Years Never Replaced

A Very Sad Destruction of a Family

Read Articles From Experts

- Top 5 Mistakes Rejected/Targeted Parents Make in Parental Alienation -


- The voices of countless victims of parental alienation will no longer be silenced -

- Survivor children of parental alienation speak out. Those who deny its reality are complicit in child abuse -

- Parental Alienation and Family Courts: -

- Children with Attachment Based Narcissistic "Parental Alienation Syndrome" -

- Parental Alienation: How Parents Use Their Children As Weapons -

- Dr Craig Childress addresses Best Interest of Children -

- How Well-Meaning Community Professionals Are Recruited to Help Parentally Alienate Children -

- 'My ex-wife wants to hurt me. I don't know if I'll see my kids over Christmas' -

My Always Once Happy Son

Watch and Learn Videos

- Parental Alienation ‐ Evidence Based Science -

- Parental Alienation - Third Party Alienation -

- Genuine story of an alienated child and its brutal long term impact -

- Parental alienation: 'Not seeing my children is a living hell' -

- Family lawyer exposes the domestic violence racket corrupting our courts -

- When Someone You Love Dies,There Is No Such Thing as Moving On | Kelley Lynn | TEDxAdelphiUniversity -

- Time to 'RISE' up and and speak out -

- Parental Alienation by parents and grandparents is Domestic Violence -

Lets All Smile Again!

Research Articles on Parental Alienation Child Abuse
Parental Alienation Behavior and Intervention Model and the Role of the Courts

It is noteworthy that those who are critical of the courts making a finding of alienation and making an order for the child to live with the rejected parent in severe cases fail to recognize that without a judicial response, the child was not seeing the rejected parent. Indeed, if a child is alienated and a court fails to enforce contact with a healthy parent, the resulting disruption in contact with the rejected parent may be considered a form of parentectomy. While the discontinuation of the child's contact with the rejected parent may be viewed by some as justified or even desirable, in part as it is based on the child's stated preferences, research raises serious concerns about the short and long term negative effects on the child of loss of the relationship with a rejected parent due to alienation.

A Door Never Closed!